Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Discovery of Aldabran (by Elisha)

Well, I really like writing. That is for sure. I'm still learning and my dad keeps encouraging me to publish one of my stories. Here it is!

The discovery of Aldabran

Chapter 1: Discovery

Their names were Hadley and Jake Smith. They lived in the city of Miami, and were 12 and 10 years of age. They went to school, like normal children, ate like normal children, had normal names, and in all ways, seemed like normal children, except in one way, but they did not know it then. They did not know anything about what was to come.
            “Hadley, are you out of that shower yet? You are taking forever!” Jake said with frustration tinted in his voice.
            “Coming!” Hadley responded, and she opened the shower door. She was about to say, “Well, you aren’t one to talk. You take forever on the toilet!” when a wall of water slammed into Jake. “Whoa!” said Jake, almost falling down the stairs, which were right behind him. Hadley sat there, laughing.
            “That wasn’t funny!” Jake said, dripping wet and fuming. “I don’t even know how it happened.”
            “Yes it was. It was hilarious!” said Hadley, gasping for breath. She suddenly stopped and sobered when Jake made a fist at her. Jake brushed past her, still fuming, and walked over to the tub. He looked in the drain; nothing. He looked everywhere, and could not figure out what had made that wave.
            “Did you do that?” He asked, still wet.
            “No. What do you think did?” said Hadley, a smile still on her face. Jake looked at her, and saw genuine bewilderment written all over her face.
            “Alright, I believe you. But mom and dad won’t.”
            “We’re going to tell them?” Hadley said.
            “Of course, dumbbell. Why wouldn’t we?” he replied, a sneer on his face. He turned and walked into the shower, shouldering Hadley aside.
            Ten minutes later, he immerged, with dry clothes and combed hair.
            “Come on, let’s go.” He said, starting down the stairs.  Hadley immerged from her room in a white shirt and jeans, and joined him.
            They walked past the old living room, which had turned into an extra bedroom when their parents had had an extension built. They walked past the bathroom, and the den, and for Hadley, each step seemed to take forever. She knew she had been the one to splash Jake, but did not know how. She wondered if it was something that had just happened by chance, but deep down, she knew it wasn’t. She hoped that her parents would have answers.
            They got to the living room and saw their parents, who were in deep conversation. She was able to catch some of it:
            “I sensed it. Don’t worry, I am sure. If it happens now, though, that would not be good, especially now, what with him watching. .” Her mom said, but she stopped when she saw the children. Her father did not see them, and said, “Yes, that would not be good. If they are coming of age, then we must tell them so-. . .” but he stopped abruptly when his wife put a hand over his mouth, and motioned towards the children.  He saw them, and studied them, like a buyer studies a fish, or a merchant studies his wares. He stood up, and started to say something, but the words did not come out. While he searched for the words to say, Hadley studied him again, like the million times she had studied him before. Fred Christian was not a tall man, but not short, with wavy brown hair and a handsome face. His wife, Lydia, was not unpleasant to look at either. She was short and petite, with black hair and green eyes which seemed to bring out her hair color. Suddenly, her observation was cut off when her father finally managed to say something: “It’s time we all had a talk.” He said. Jake, who had not seemed to have heard the conversation between his parents, said, “We would like to talk with you too, dad.”
            “You would? Oh, well then let’s have a family conference.” He said, walking towards the dining room. Once there, the family all sat down, and their father said a word of prayer. Afterwards, the father started the conversation by saying, “Now, what is it you kids wanted to talk about?” Jake responded, saying, “We would like to know, are we ah, anything, special? Like, do we have things that we can do that others can’t?” This surprised Hadley. She knew that they were going to ask about, but she did not think about asking this way.
            “Children, before we say anything else, I would like to say that you are both special, and are both precious to me and your father.” Their mother said. The children nodded, and Hadley said, “Thanks mom.”
            “Now, to answer your question, we must tell you what we wanted to talk to you about, and then you will understand.” Said father
            “I was born in a different world. This world was different from this world because some of the people were special. They were called Specials, and they could control the elements: fire, water, earth, air, nature, and weather. I was a capable water controller, and when the Great War against the dragon came, I was asked to join the army. Now, this was an offer that could not be refused, so I joined. It was after the war that I met your mother, who was the most powerful water Special at that time.”
            “Oh, Fred, you stop that!” Their mom said, swatting his arm. Hadley’s dad only grinned, and continued to the imploring looks of his children.
            “It was later, after the war and after I married your mother that I met a man named Barnabus, who turned out later to be the gifted one, the man who can control all elements.
            “Uncle Barnabus, dad?” asked Hadley in a curious voice.
            “Yes. He married your great-aunt Jocelyn a few years later.” He said.
            “I knew it!” Jake said. “He always seemed to have that, well, aura of power around him. Was that how he saved me from that riptide at the beach that one time?”
            “Yes. That was also how he saved you from falling about three stories when you were a baby, too.”
            “No way!” Jake said. “So what happened aft- . . .” He stopped abruptly when his mom started looking about with wild eyes, and said in a whisper, “Fred! He’s here. I can sense him! He’s coming to the door!”
            “What! OK, kids, you go around back to the garage. There is a small button there. You remember the one you were not supposed to touch? Well, here’s your chance. Press it, and enter the tunnel that will open right after. It will lead you to a secret room. I want you to wait there for us. If we don’t come, then ask Wally what to do. He will tell y-. . .” he stopped when a loud crash was heard, and someone said in a deep voice, “I come!”
            Then, a BOOM, BOOM, BOOM was heard, and Hadley’s mother said, “The dragon himself!”
            “But how is he still alive? And how is he here?” asked Hadley’s dad.
            “I don’t know! But I am going to try to stop him!” said mother, and she raised her arms. A roar was heard from above, and Jake, who was about to run out the door to the garage said, “You hit him!” then he ran to the garage. Hadley followed, but looked up as she ran. There in the air, hung a huge, dripping dragon, with black scales and fire spewing from his mouth. He almost looked like a cloud, and somehow she knew that this was what he was making the neighbors think he was. He saw her, and grinned evilly. He growled, and a large number of smaller dragons detached from his scales and flew towards her. She then heard a FOOM and a large spout of water hit the dragons, throwing them far into the sky. Father! Mother then arrived out of the house and joined him, and together they made a huge spout that hit the dragon and threw him several hundred feet. She was elated. They were winning! Then suddenly, the tide turned. The dragon roared, and the shockwave knocked down her parents. Father got back up on her feet only to be blasted by a huge roaring inferno that came out of the dragon’s mouth. Hadley screamed! Suddenly, a huge hole opened up underneath her and she was swallowed into the earth’s belly.

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